Digital Dilemmas: Internet Privacy (Blog Post #8)

Digital Dilemmas

In today's digital age, internet privacy has become a huge topic. The rapid advancement of technology has created major privacy concerns. TED Talks by Juan Enriques, Cathrine Crump, Christopher Soghoian, and Darieth Chisolm have opened my eyes to the issue of privacy in today's age. 

In his TED Talk, Juan Enriques highlights the issue of data collection in the digital age. The information that is shared either willingly or unwillingly forms a comprehensive picture of our lives and our identity. This can affect people in many ways ranging from personalized advertising to misuse of personal information. 

Cathrine Crump discusses the legal facts of privacy in the digital realm. She emphasized the blurred lines between what is considered public and private. Christopher Soghoian pointed out the issue of privacy between government entities. Darieth Chisolm talks about her experience in getting private personal content leaked which highlighted and warned users about privacy breaches. 

I think that the government should enact laws that protect citizens from unwarranted surveillance and hold companies responsible for the way they handle data. With all of the new technological advancements laws should evolve with these advancements. 

From these TED Talks, I learned that there are measures individuals can take to protect themselves and their information. Christopher Soghoian tells his listeners to use encryption tools to secure communication. He explains how encryption tools add a layer of protection against unwarranted surveillance. Cathrine Crump warns users to be cautious about the information that they share online and shares the potential consequences of sharing certain information. 

Darieth Chisolm urges online users to educate themselves and become digitally literate. He explains that users can do this by understanding privacy settings, utilizing virtual private networks (VPNs), and regularly monitoring their online presence. Only through proactive measures can online users maintain digital privacy and protect their personal information. 

