Beyond the Screen! EOTO reflections (Blog Post #11)

Beyond the Screen! 

This round of EOTO presentations was specifically interesting to me because it touched on very relevant topics such as AI, data tracking, the spiral of Silence theory, cord-cutting, and gatekeeping. 

AI was a topic that first stood out to me. I think it is a very powerful form of technology that has already and is going to continue to shape the realm of information and our digital age. Reanna explained in detail the new adaptions to AI and how it has made its way into our everyday lives and even into our homes with her explanation of devices like the Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and the Apple Home Pod. 

I found her EOTO topic interesting because it prompted a reflection in my mind to even the way AI has evolved over the last year. Apps that did not need to utilize AI like Snapchat for example, now have their own AI that you can have full conversations with and even send images to! 

Chat GPT has had an interesting impact on the past year. Reanna explained this life-changing AI software in her presentation, but the realm of the usage of this wasn't touched. If I wanted to I could use chat GPT to write this blog post for me right now if I gave it enough information and a strict line of criteria. It is amazing (and also very scary) how much this software can do.  

I liked how Reanna touched on the dangers that AI brings to the world, and how the original inventor of AI spoke out and claimed that he regrets creating AI to begin with. While scrolling on TikTok this past week, I came across a video of a man who had received a phone call from an unknown number.

He picked up the call and it was a voice that sounded like his mother on the other end of the phone claiming that she got kidnapped and the only way the kidnappers would let her go was if he sent 5,000 bitcoin. Luckily, this man was smart enough to not fall for this trick because he asked the voice on the phone what her maiden name was and it was unable to answer. This scam was made possible by the power of AI.

Another topic I found interesting was the Spiral of Silence theory. This theory refers to the social dilemma where people stay silent on their opinions when they feel that they may be controversial. This is also reflected by the opposite. When people have a popular opinion, they are more inclined to share it.

This is very commonly seen in today's society with social media and the ever-growing cancel culture. I think the trending opinion is more likely to be broadcasted and shared, whereas the minority opinion is often never seen. I think that this is truly a shame because as Americans especially, it is our duty to have and express opinions. Whether you agree with someone's opinion or not, it is their right to own and share them. 

Lastly, another topic that I found interesting was the idea of gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is a relevant term used in today's society. It is referred to when a content creator uses a certain product or item and they hold back the name of the product to their viewers. This oftentimes is used by influencers for purposes such as: not wanting a product to sell out, to promote products they are paid to promote, or simply to keep getting views.
