Tech Talk! EOTO reflections (Blog post #5)

Tech Talk

EOTO Reaction and Reflections:

In our past EOTO in class, I learned about different modes of communication technology. One thing that resonated with me about these presentations is that almost all presenters focused on the advancement of making communication technologies more accessible. Accessibility was a major topic in a lot of presentations which I found interesting. With every advancement, the goal was to make news, media, and information easier to access and to reach a wider audience through these technologies. 

Maddie Marshall's particularly interesting presentation about the invention, purposes, and advancements of email stood out to me. Through her project, I learned that the email was invented in 1971 by a man named Ray Tomlinson. The email was the beginning of the @ symbol, as this technology made communicating through computers possible. I also learned that email advertising began in 1978. Then, in 1993 AOL made email services free, which made emailing technology more accessible. Maddie also touched on how email communication services made virtual workplaces in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic possible. 

Another project I found interesting was a presentation on the iPhone. From my classmate's presentation, I learned that the iPhone was first introduced in 2007 at Macworld. Steve Jobs introduced the concept of a new phone which had newfound technology that would assist people in everyday tasks. This was the first phone to have a touchscreen. This new touchscreen technology was essential to the functionality of this new groundbreaking device that now made texting easier, worked as an iPod, had email functions, and many more desirable features. I learned through this presentation that 300,000 iPhones were sold in the first week of its release. Since 2007 there have been over 30 iPhones released, each having a new feature.


In conclusion, there are so many communication technologies that have worked to form the technological society we now have today. These newfound inventions have paved the way for news to be spread and information to be accessed. With every new invention, the accessibility of news and information is widened creating an important social milestone. Through the history of these inventions, we can gather the importance of the First Amendment and the exercise of free speech. 
