Extra! Extra! Scroll all about it! My top 5 News Sources (Blog Post #1)

 Extra! Extra! Scroll all about it!

In 2023 we are more connected than we have ever been in all of human history. We have the ability to instantly hear what is going on in the world, read people's opinions on current issues, and be constantly surrounded by news! We live in the modern age of news and communication. 

Surveys say the following: 

Social media is transforming the vessel that news travels. It is making access easy, quick, and free. Interestingly, the fact that my generation was raised on free news differs from the generations before us where people had to pay to receive the means to get news. 

I find myself using social media platforms as my main sources of keeping up with current events, compared to my parents who read news articles, the news paper, or watch news channels on T.V. 

Here are my main news sources:

#5 X

Formerly known as Twitter, X is a social media platform known for spreading information in under a few sentences usually accompanied by an image. With a wide variety of posts, users' feed is usually very diverse with content. When I go on X, I see anything from memes, pop culture news, sports news, current events, brand advertising, and more. Here are some examples of tweets on my X feed today:

I like using X as a quick source of news because how fast I can read the basic facts of what's happening. I tend to find that most of the information to be accompanied by a joke or a punchline. This allows me to retain information I read on X well because in my mind I usually associate it with the joke. For example the image on the top left is about Elon Musk saying he is planning on creating a version of his app X for the apple car play. It's accompinied by a joke about someone causing an accident from using twitter while driving. 

The second image on the left is a quick add for a popular fashion brand skims. Again it is short and sweet, quickly jumping right to the point. 

X is one of my personal favorite ways to get news because it gives me a small snippet into what is happening possibly prompting me to look for other means to look into the news possibly on the one of the other sites discussed in this blog. 

I do not consider myself someone who regularly reads news articles. With that being said it is not a common occurrence for me to open the Apple News app and read the full articles. I have the apple news app downloaded on my phone and I have push notifications turned on. This allows me to see headlines and get a general idea of what is going on. I find this useful because I see these notifications throughout my day allowing me to glance and read what is happening. If a headline intrigues me I will sometimes read or glance through the article when I get the chance. Another thing that is super interesting about Apple News is that it personalizes the articles shown to each user. 

#3 Word of Mouth 

My parents are both very in the loop about what is going on. My mom prefers to keep up with local news, whereas my dad prefers to keep up with national news. They often tell me about or send me links for news stories they find. This allows me to hear a variety of news about my area as well as nationally. 

I use instagram daily as a form of entertainment and social interaction. On instagram there are accounts dedicated to spreading current news and information. A lot of people I follow on Instagram will repost certain current events posts making me see them when I view their story. Instagram is typically known to have posts about social issues and current events. This helps me stay in the loop about social issues. 

#1 TikTok

TikTok, believe it or not, is my main news source. TikTok is strategic to each user using an algorithm in creating a feed custom to each user based on videos they interact with. I interact with many videos about crime, current events, and court cases. I see multiple videos each day about these topics informing me about interesting current events in just a few minutes or less! I like TikTok because the app has time limits for creators making them short and straight to the point. I find that this is a great way for me to receive news because it limits the unnecessary information some people include in news stories. 
